Lower School
The lower school, which spans transitional kindergarten through fifth grade, incorporates innovative educational techniques - such as blended learning - into its safe and nurturing environment to create self-directed learners who are confident and inquisitive. The Lower School’s dual curriculum and robust options for academic acceleration and student support ensure an individualized approach for each student within our care.

Middle School
TVT recognizes that middle school (grades 6-8) is a time of personal exploration when students begin to define their individualism and solidify their values and beliefs. TVT provides experiential curriculum to support developmental growth and provides faculty mentorship and guidance counseling to ensure that every student has the advantage of a strong safety net as they navigate adolescence.Upper School
Our upper school (Grades 9-12) allows students to refine their sense of self through rigorous academics taught by faculty committed to the school’s values, to ethical action, and to tikkun olam (repairing the world). Unique programs, such as Immersion Study and a capstone trip to Poland and Israel in the junior year, encourage each student to wrestle with our robust curriculum and to develop the strong critical thinking skills and life experiences that have become necessary not just for top-tier college admissions, but for meaningful lives and fulfilling futures. Furthermore, Our college counseling department partners with students and parents to guide them toward best-fit colleges.