Make a Gift. Make an Impact.

We are all stakeholders in the TVT community.  Annual support from parents, grandparents, alumni, alumni parents, corporations, and foundations, make a collective impact on the excellence of a TVT education.  Your gifts support vital annual endeavors to sustain the excellence you expect from TVT, where academics are important and character is paramount.  Every gift matters and the collective impact strengthens our school community.

Your Gift's Impact

Your gift helps TVT student-athletes learn important life skills of teamwork and leadership.

Curriculum and Innovation
Whether it be in the classrooms or on the playing fields, the science labs or the library, fine arts or field trips, your gift has an immediate impact on our TK-12 curriculum.
Financial Assistance
Your gift helps ensure no student is deprived of the opportunity to attend TVT due to family financial circumstances.

Jewish Life and Learning
Your gift supports a comprehensive array of educational programs, experiential opportunities, and holiday traditions that reflect our cherished Jewish values and ideals.
Professional Development
Your gift helps TVT educators remain lifelong learners committed to honing their craft.

Safety and Security
Your gift strengthens TVT’s ability to ensure a safe and secure learning environment for our students and provides agility in responding to emerging needs.


Giving Levels

L’dor V’dor
Generation to Generation
$54,000 +

Tikkun Olam

Repair the World
$36,000 - $53,999

$18,000 - $35,999

$10,000 - $17,999

$5,000 - $9,999


$3,600 - $4,999

$1,800 - $3,599

Klal Yisrael
Up to $1,799
TVT Community Day School is a TK-12 Independent Community Day School in Irvine, CA
Founded in Loving Memory of Naomi Gelman Weiss